From Upcoming Budget Session Rajasthan Assembly will be Fully Digitise

Jaipur: It will be a new experience for the MLAs of Rajasthan in the upcoming session as the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly has become completely digitalized under the National e-Vidhan Application (Neva). There will be I-pads on every seat in the house and MLAs will have to furnish their questions and motions electronically.

The Budget session of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly is scheduled to start from January 31st. The Speaker of the Assembly, Vasudev Devnani said that the third session of the sixteenth Rajasthan Legislative Assembly will be completely digitalized under the National e-Vidhan Application (Neva). “ All the MLAs have been asked to send their questions, motions, and petitions online through this Neva Application,” said the Speaker.

The Assembly Secretariat, government agencies and departments will also have to use this application while responding to the MLAs. A team of administrative and technical officers of the Legislative Assembly introduced the Neva application to the officers and personnel of Legislative Assembly cells operating in various departments of the state government.

To make the Assembly proceedings paper less, I-pads and other equipments have been installed on the seats of all the MLAsSpeaker Vasudev Devnani said that the work of installing computer equipment on the seats of members in the house under the Neva Project to make the Assembly Secretariat paperless has been completed.

To make the Assembly proceedings paper less, I-pads and other equipments have been installed on the seats of all the MLAsSpeaker Vasudev Devnani said that the work of installing computer equipment on the seats of members in the house under the Neva Project to make the Assembly Secretariat paperless has been completed.