New Delhi: The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour, Textiles and Skill Development have selected the following subjects for examination for this year:
(1). Implementation of the Labour Codes. (2). Working Conditions and Welfare Measures for Mine Workers, including Unauthorised Mines and assessment of working of Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS). (3). Contractual Appointments/Deployments and Implementation of Labour Laws concerning the welfare of Contract/Casual Workers in Government Organisations/Public Sector Undertakings/Public Sector Banks/Establishments. (4). Implementation of Welfare measures for Plantation Workers. (5). Functioning of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) with special reference to operation of the EPF Pension Scheme and Management of Corpus Fund. (6). The Employees State Insurance Corporation- Applicability and benefits under ESI Scheme, functioning of ESI Hospitals and Management of Corpus Fund. (7). Functioning of Central Board for Workers Education. (8). Implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes. (9). National Policy on Child Labour – An assessment. (10). Identification and Rehabilitation of Bonded Labour. (11). Implementation of prescribed minimum Wages in various Employment Sectors. (12). Social Security and Welfare Measures for Unorganised/ Informal Sector Workers including Gig/Scheme Workers, Street Vendors, Stone Crushers, Fishermen and Workers in IT and Telecommunication Sectors. (13). Safeguards and measures for protecting the interest of overseas contract workers and the Returnees, particularly in the Middle East Region. (14). Pension Schemes for the Unorganised Sector workers. (15). Employment Generation Programmes – A Review.
(1). Development and Promotion of Jute Industry. (2). Skill Development vis-à-vis Manufacturing and Upgradation in Textiles Sector. (3). Welfare Schemes for Textile Workers – An Appraisal. (4). Challenges/Opportunities in Indian Textile Industry. (5). Development of Cotton Sector. (6). Schemes/Programmes of Central Silk Board for Development and Promotion of Silk Industry. (7). Status/Performance of Handloom Sector. (8). Status and Reforming of Powerloom Sector. (9). Performance of Marketing Agencies of Handlooms and Handicrafts. (10). Functioning of National Textile Corporation (NTC).
(1). National Skills Qualifications Framework – An Assessment. (2). Functioning of Directorate General of Training. (3). Functioning of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). (4). Implementation of Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Project. (5). Skill Training in Food Processing, Agriculture and Allied Sectors.
Parliamentary Committee will examine the Pricing, Marketing and Supply of Petroleum Products
New Delhi : The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas have selected the following subjects for examination during the year : (i) Pricing, Marketing and Supply of Petroleum Products including Natural Gas; (ii) Energy Security with specific reference to Hydrocarbon Resources and Electric Vehicles; (iii) Contract Management and Transparency in Procurement Procedures in Oil PSUs; (iv) Litigations involving Oil PSUs; (v) Oil Refineries – A Review; (vi) Review of implementation of CBG (SATAT); (vii) Review of Human Resource Policy of Oil PSUs; (viii) Safety and Security of Oil Installations of Public Sector Oil Companies; (ix) Review of LNG Infrastructure; (x) CSR activities of oil PSUs; (xi) Review of Policy on Import of Crude Oil; 3 (xii) Initiatives undertaken by oil PSUs in Petroleum Sector under „Atmanirbhar Bharat‟. (xiii) Steps taken to reduce Import Dependence of Crude Oil; (xiv) Green Hydrogen Policy – Opportunities and Challenges for Oil PSUs; (xv) Review of on-going projects in Oil PSUs; (xvi) Review of Exploration & Production Activities of Oil PSUs; (xvii) R&D activities by Oil PSUs; (xviii) International operations and investments by Oil PSUs.